
Creating a Strong Start For a Lifelong Learning Journey

Pre - Primary School

"Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child open up himself to life." - Maria Montessori Welcome to our Pre-Primary section, where we believe in nurturing not just academic prowess but also fostering a holistic development in each child. In today's dynamic world, academic excellence is just one facet of success. Our focus lies in providing a nurturing environment where children can explore, learn, and grow, laying a strong foundation for their journey ahead.

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Objectives & Goals

  • Social Development
  • Physical Development
  • Intellectual Development
  • Emotional Development
  • Cultural Development

Primary School

Every parent seeks the best education for their child, which involves grooming, enhancing knowledge, and introducing children to their surroundings. At Jiwrajka International School, we wholeheartedly embrace this mission, ensuring that every child's distinct potential is nurtured and celebrated from their very first steps in the primary section. "I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." - Confucius

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Objectives & Goals

  • Learner Centric
  • Formative Assessments
  • Exploring Technology
  • Dynamic Fitness

Middle School

The Middle School Programme (VI-VIII) at our school plays a vital role as a bridge between elementary and high school, nurturing both intellectual growth and social development during this critical stage of adolescence, preparing students for the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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Objectives & Goals

  • Character Building
  • Academic Excellence
  • Physical Fitness

Secondary School

At our Secondary School, we understand that this phase of education is a crucial stepping stone towards advanced studies and future pursuits. It plays a pivotal role in shaping students into well-rounded individuals, fostering essential qualities like consistency, hard work, teamwork, individual and group discipline, and effective learning.

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Objectives & Goals

  • Core Subjects
  • Critical Thinking
  • Personal Development
  • Cultural Awareness

Senior Secondary School

"Learning gives creativity, Creativity leads to thinking, Thinking leads to Knowledge, Knowledge makes you Great."– Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam At Jiwrajka International School, we embrace Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam's wisdom, providing learners with opportunities to acquire essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes for self-development and nation-building.

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Objectives & Goals

  • Career Pathways
  • College Readiness
  • Learning Mindset
  • Cookery Club

  • Literary Club

  • Event Management Club

  • Sports Club

  • Music Club

  • Science Club

  • Quiz Club

  • Theatre Club

  • Arts & Crafts Club

  • Dance Club

From the Principal's Desk

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As we surge ahead undaunted propelled by the divine inspiration & courage bestowed upon us by the Almighty, we gather new experiences which enrich our lives. These experiences not only live in our memories but also provide us enlightenment for the years to come. The past year was quite an eventful one for JIS. The school touched a new pinnacle of glory & achievement. The successful & progressive results not only in academics but also in extracurricular activities re-affirmed that we were striding in the right direction.

The school offers students academic challenges that are deep & relevant. With experienced & passionate teachers our school is a centre of excellence to educate the child’s whole being. We keep ourselves apprised of the new changes in the education pattern bringing in much needed innovative solutions. As school provides dynamic learning spaces we keep our pedagogies child centric, knowing that each child is an individual with different talents & abilities lying hidden. We need to tap their potential . Even as we impart education to match the advancement of technology and globalization, we make sure that JIS ethos of moral values and principles are imbibed by the students and they tread on the right path taking care of this planet and serving mankind.

We believe in providing a joyful experiential learning approach for students at all stages, shifting classroom transaction towards competency – based learning wherein each child is encouraged to participate wholeheartedly. We are conscious of our responsibility to provide our students comprehensive, benchmarked education which enables them develop into strong empowered human beings.  Children are continuously engaged in multi -skilled activities and we keep alive the child’s in born sense of wonder arousing their curiosity to discover the mystery of the world they live in. Together may we give our children roots to grow & wings to fly.

We align our thoughts with Shri Aurobindo’s ideas that education should be in accordance with the needs of our modern life & should create dynamic citizens so that they are able to meet the needs of modern complex life.

profile picture
Mrs. Smriti Singh
The Principal



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Experience Holistic Education at Jiwrajka International School